Browsing All posts tagged under »Risk Strategies«

Risk Types from Auditing

December 22, 2010 by


Don’t start from scratch.  Reuse and recycle.   Learn from others.  Those three quick statements for learning  apply to risk management.  Identifying potential risks, good and bad, can be a cumbersome process.  To hasten  the process, discover what risk are common for your industry, whether that’s construction, information technology, product development or public power.  Use those […]

Risk Management Approaches

December 2, 2010 by


Weaving throughout the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK), ISACA content & CobiT, Lean Six Sigma best practice and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) / PRINCE 2 is the concept of proactively managing risk.  Risk is based on a probability of an event occuring (positive and negative) and the impact should that even […]

Risk Treatment

May 4, 2010 by


Selecting how to respond to specific risks is called Risk Treatment. This may also include writing a plan and actually implementing these responses. Risk Treatment is not a term found in the fourth-edition PMBOK® but the concept is there nonetheless. The PMBOK’s Plan Risk Responses process is where one selects how to respond to individual […]

Positive Risk Strategies

April 1, 2009 by


For a project manager, a risk is an uncertain event. This potential event could be either desired (positive) or undesired (negative). A positive risk may be referred to as an opportunity, and a negative risk may be referred to as a threat. There are three unique strategies used for handling positive risk (exploit, share, and […]

Negative Risk Strategies

March 31, 2009 by


For a project manager, a risk is an uncertain event. This potential event could be either desired (positive) or undesired (negative). A positive risk may be referred to as an opportunity, and a negative risk may be referred to as a threat. There are three unique strategies used for handling negative risk (avoid, transfer, and […]