Working in the Weeds

Posted on July 31, 2012 by


Dandelions are tolerable if you have green grass12 months of two consulting project management engagements.  Digging in.  Pitching in. Working in the weeds!

Since 2002 my career has been a blend of “doing” project management, business analysis, faclitation, agile and lean six sigma along with “teaching” those same subjects.  The last 12 months has been 95% of the doing.  Now that the training is picking up with a vengengence and I have a little more time to write about the doing – the idea of working in the weeds came to mind.

Weeds are not all bad.  In time of drought, like most of United States is under, they’re a sign of some life.  Yet weeds imply things are not all in the right spot, a little messy and if not attended to can grow out of control.  That is my observation of full throttle corporate life, walking through it now as an insider than a visitor sage.

So over the next few weeks I’ll share my opinion and observations of working in those weeds as it relates to agile, business analysis, lean six sigma and project management.  This will be a candid conversation of what is working well and what is just plain nonsense – both from the gardener’s perspective and from the weed’s perspective.  Let me know your observation of corporate life in 2012 – versus 2002 or even 1992.  What are you experiencing?  Better, worse, the same?