Holiday Work Parties

Posted on December 18, 2009 by


Many of us are in the midst of holiday work parties which is one of the topics we discuss for TAPUniversity’s online Working with People course. Have fun at your holiday work parties, and enjoy your opportunity to socialize and celebrate with your co-workers! However, do remember to stay professional and don’t damage your reputation. People have certainly been fired for unacceptable behavior during their holiday party. Avoid coarse language and avoid saying negative things about others in the organization. Make sure you only bring a guest if guests are invited.

Also, don’t bring a guest that will cause you problems by their disrespectful or obnoxious behavior towards others. Holiday parties are a good opportunity to get to know your co-workers better. Do some networking, and perhaps you’ll even make a new friend from another department with whom you ordinarily would not work. However, remember not to share personal information about yourself that you prefer people at work not know. It can be easy to say something that you’ll regret in the more informal atmosphere of a party that you would be unlikely to say during a typical workday. In summary, have fun during your holiday work parties, but do so in a professional way that does not offend your fellow party-goers!