Browsing All posts tagged under »PMBOK 6.4«

The matter of estimates: analogous, bottom up, parametric and three point-PERT

January 10, 2011 by


Schedule (Activity Duration or Activity Resource) and Cost estimating are two lynch pins for business analysis and project management. The most common estimate techniques are: analogous, bottom-up, parametric and three-point – PERT. For those pursuing a CBAP® or PMP® how to use them and whether those are mutually exclusive can become a bit confusing.  The […]

Putnam Model

April 19, 2010 by


Earlier postings described PROBE and COCOMO (“PROBE” posted April 14, 2010 and “COCOMO” posted April 15, 2010) which are two techniques for making software project estimates. The Putnam Model is yet another technique that can be employed in the project planning stages to estimate the time and effort of a proposed software project. It is […]